We're upping our sustainability game

It’s small stuff, but it’s a start, and every bit helps. There are three main changes to the way we’re running events we want you to be aware of and need your collaboration on please:


Feed station cups were our biggest source of waste. So we’ve stopping using them. Completely. Single use cups are entirely avoidable. There will be no cups at feed stations. You will need to carry something suitable with you and use it on the course if you wish to use feed stations.

T Shirts:

We know many of you love and use them, so we will keep on having them as a race memento. However, we know that some of them get disposed of without ever getting used which is waste of resources we can avoid. So, when you enter you will have the option to choose “No T-Shirt”. The cost of your entry will remain the same but we’ll donate the equivalent of the cost of your T-Shirt to our selected charity.

Similarly, we’ve changed the way we design and purchase T’s. Previously we usually had a specific T per event. Because we couldn’t run the risk of you not getting what you’d paid for, we ordered one for everyone. That meant we ended up with lots left at the end of each event (no-shows). Over the season, that added up to a LOT of wasted resources. So, we’re now producing an overall Finisher T per year with the events listed. It will be undated, but will change colour each year. That should mean we end up with fewer made but never used. 

Race Tape

We’re trying to remove the use of plastic race tape entirely. We’ve made decent progress so far, but not 100% yet. Instead of tape we’re using ribbons that we clip onto stuff and can reuse many times. You’ll see these out on the course as markers.